Barth Syndrome Foundation Grant Program
Opens Aug 26 2024 08:00 AM (EST)
Deadline Nov 1 2024 11:59 PM (EST)

The 2025 grant cycle opens August 31st, 2024, and Barth Syndrome Foundation (BSF) and our International Affiliates welcome innovative applications that address the basic, translational, and clinical research challenges of Barth syndrome. Through this program, BSF seeks to provide seed grant funding to young and established investigators in order to generate the preliminary data required for successful follow-on funding available from major grant-making institutions such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Applicants must be independent investigators (e.g. faculty appointment). Pre- and postdoctoral applicants are encouraged to apply to the American Heart Association & BSF Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowship program, which accepts applications with a focus on Barth syndrome and/or cardiolipin. For questions, please email our AHA colleagues via 

Key Dates:

  • Full Applications - Due Friday, November 1, 2024
  • Grantees Announced and Earliest Award Start Date - as early as March 2025

Application Specifics:

  • up to $100,000 USD maximum Total Cost, 1-3 years in duration. 
  • Researchers seeking Scientific and Medical Advisory Board (SMAB) feedback are encouraged to email the BSF staff for support

Key Considerations:

  • For clinically-oriented research applications that involve recruitment of research participants, please note that participant travel costs for research purposes will be handled separately and is excluded from the aforementioned budget maximums, as they are an expense that it not directly pertinent towards evaluating the scientific merit of an application
  • Young/non-tenured Investigators are allowed to budget up 75% of the total grant amount as PI salary
  • Letters of Support from collaborators are not required but are encouraged components of Full Applications.
  • Total Cost is composed of Indirect and Direct Cost, with Indirect Cost limited to 10% of Direct Cost.
  • There are no geographical limitations to this funding program

To start your application, please create an account and proceed with the APPLY button. We strongly encourage all applicants to carefully review this document on our grant program guidelines before proceeding. 


Barth Syndrome Foundation Grant Program

The 2025 grant cycle opens August 31st, 2024, and Barth Syndrome Foundation (BSF) and our International Affiliates welcome innovative applications that address the basic, translational, and clinical research challenges of Barth syndrome. Through this program, BSF seeks to provide seed grant funding to young and established investigators in order to generate the preliminary data required for successful follow-on funding available from major grant-making institutions such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Applicants must be independent investigators (e.g. faculty appointment). Pre- and postdoctoral applicants are encouraged to apply to the American Heart Association & BSF Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowship program, which accepts applications with a focus on Barth syndrome and/or cardiolipin. For questions, please email our AHA colleagues via 

Key Dates:

  • Full Applications - Due Friday, November 1, 2024
  • Grantees Announced and Earliest Award Start Date - as early as March 2025

Application Specifics:

  • up to $100,000 USD maximum Total Cost, 1-3 years in duration. 
  • Researchers seeking Scientific and Medical Advisory Board (SMAB) feedback are encouraged to email the BSF staff for support

Key Considerations:

  • For clinically-oriented research applications that involve recruitment of research participants, please note that participant travel costs for research purposes will be handled separately and is excluded from the aforementioned budget maximums, as they are an expense that it not directly pertinent towards evaluating the scientific merit of an application
  • Young/non-tenured Investigators are allowed to budget up 75% of the total grant amount as PI salary
  • Letters of Support from collaborators are not required but are encouraged components of Full Applications.
  • Total Cost is composed of Indirect and Direct Cost, with Indirect Cost limited to 10% of Direct Cost.
  • There are no geographical limitations to this funding program

To start your application, please create an account and proceed with the APPLY button. We strongly encourage all applicants to carefully review this document on our grant program guidelines before proceeding. 

Aug 26 2024 08:00 AM (EST)
Nov 1 2024 11:59 PM (EST)